Friday 8 June 2012

Abbreviations - 2

A&A            Amniocentesis and abortion
AA               American Atheists
AAA            Americans Against Abortion
AAA            American Adoption Agency
AAAS          American Association for the Advancement of Science
AACP         American Academy of Child Psychiatry
AAD            Alliance Against Defamation
AAFP          American Academy of Family Physicians
AAHA         American Academy of Health Administration
AAHS          Americans Against Human Suffering
AAI              Alternatives to Abortion International
AAL             American Abolitionist League
AAMCH      American Association of Maternal & Child Health
AAME         American Academy of Medical Ethics
AAMFT       American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
AANFP       American Academy of Natural Family Planning
AANP         American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
AANS         American Academy of Neurological Surgeons
AAP            American Academy of Pediatrics
AAR            American Academy of Religion
AARP          American Association of Retired Persons
AAS             American Association of Suicidology
AAS             Abortion Abolition Society
AASECT      American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (5)
AASK          Aid to Adoption of Special Kids
AATB          American Association of Tissue Banks
AAUN         American Association of the United Nations
AAUW        American Association of University Women
ABA            American Booksellers' Association
ABA            American Bar Association
ABC            American Baby Code
ABC            American Broadcasting Company
AB               American Birth Control League (later Planned Parenthood)
ABEDA        Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
ABM            Anti-ballistic missile
ABMS         American Board of Medical Specialties
ABOG         American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Abp              Archbishop
ABS             American Bible Society
ACA            Americans for a Constitutional Amendment
ACA            Americans for Constitutional Action
ACA            Arms Control Association
ACC            Arab Cooperation Council
ACCL          American Citizens Concerned for Life
ACCT          Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique (Agency for Cultural and
                        Technical Cooperation)
ACE             Alliance for Chastity Education
ACE             American Council on Education
ACF             Americans for Constitutional Freedom
ACGME       Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
ACHR          American Convention on Human Rights
ACL             American Collegians for Life
ACLA          American Catholic Lawyers Association
ACLU          American Civil Liberties Union
ACNM        American College of Nurse-Midwives
ACOG         American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
ACOOG      American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists
ACOP          American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians
ACP             American College of Physicians
ACP             African, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries
ACS             Americans for Common Sense
ACS             American College of Surgeons
ACT-UP      AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power
ACTH          Adrenocorticotropic hormone
ACW           Action for World Community
AD               Anno Domini
ADA            Americans for Democratic Action
ADA            Adenosine deaminase
ADL             Anti-Defamation League [of B'nai B'rith]
ADRDAA    Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association
AE               Artificial embryonation
AE                American Education Association
AEA             Adoption Exchange Program
AEC             Atomic Energy Commission
AED             Academy for Educational Development
AEI               American Enterprise Institute
AELC           Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches
AEU             American Ethical Union
AFA             American Family Association (formerly National Federation for Decency)
AFAM         Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
AFC             Apostolate for Family Consecration
AfDB            African Development Bank
AFDC          American Family Defense Coalition
AFDC          Aid for Families with Dependent Children
AFE             Americans for the Environment
AFESD         Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
AFGE           American Federation of Government Employees
AFJ              Alliance for Justice
AFL-CIO     American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
AFL             Adolescent Family Life
AFLM          Advocates for Life Ministries
AFMCH      American Foundation for Maternal and Child Health
AFP             [Maternal] alpha-feto protein
AFS             American Fertility Society
AFSC          American Friends Service Committee
AFSCME     American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
AFT             American Federation of Teachers
AG               Attorney general
AG               Andean Group
AGA            Alliance of Gay Artists
AGA            American Gay Atheists
AGA            American Genetic Association
AGI              Alan Guttmacher Institute
AGP            Association of Gay Psychologists
AGPA          American Group Psychotherapy Association
AGS             American Geriatrics Society
AGS             American Gynecological Society
AHA            American Hospital Association
AHA            American Humane Association
AHA            American Historical Association
AHA            American Humanist Association
AHEA          American Home Economics Association
AI                 Amnesty International
AI                 Artificial insemination
AI                 Artificial intelligence
AIAA            Americans for International Aid and Adoption
AID              Artificial insemination (by donor)
AID              [United States] Agency for International Development
AIDS            Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIFR            American Institute of Family Relations
AIH              Artificial insemination (by husband)
AIHCA        American Indian Health Care Association
AIM             Accuracy in Media
AIM             American Indian Movement
AIPOP         American Institute of Public Opinion Poll
AIR-PLUS   American Information Route Toward a Pro-Life United States
AISA            Adoption Information Service Agency
AIUM           American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
AJC              American Jewish Congress
AJOG           American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
AKA             Also known as
AL                Arab League
ALA             American Library Association
ALADI         Asociacion Latinoamericana de Integracion; (Latin American
                        Integration Association (LAIA))
ALC             American Lutheran Church
ALD             Adrenoleukodystrophy
ALEC           American Legislative Exchange Council
ALERT         American Life Education and Research Trust
ALF             Animal Liberation Front
ALG             American Lawyer's Guild
ALI               American Law Institute
ALI               American Liberties Institute
ALL              American Life League
ALL              American Life Lobby
ALMA          Adoptee's Liberty Movement Association
ALS              Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ALSE            Advocates for Gay and Lesbian State Employees
AMA             American Medical Association
AMEN          AIDS in Multi-Ethnic Neighborhoods Study
AMEND       Moms Experiencing Neonatal Death
AMF             Arab Monetary Fund
AMFAR        American Foundation for AIDS Research
AMOS          Assumptions are the mother of all screwups
AMU            Arab Maghreb Union
AMWA        American Medical Women's Association
ANA            American Nurses Association
ANC            African National Congress
ANM           Auxiliary nurse-midwife
ANZUS       Australia-New Zealand-United States Security Treaty
AOA            American Orthopsychiatric Association
AOG            Assembly of God
AOH            Ancient Order of Hibernians
AORN          American Association of Registered Nurses
AP                Associated Press
APA             American Psychoanalytic Association
APA             American Psychiatric Association
APA             American Pharmaceutical Association
APA             American Psychological Association
APC             American Parents Committee
APCW         Adolescent Pregnancy Childwatch Project
APEC           Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
APHA           American Public Health Association
APHA           American Protestant Hospital Association
APL              Adopted People for Life
APLIC          Association for Population/Family Planning and Information Centers
APO             Army Post Office
APPP            Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians
APS              Artificial placentation system
APSH           Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps
APTN           American Public Television Network
APWU          American Postal Workers Union
ARAC          Animal Rights Activists for Choice
ARAL           Association to Repeal Abortion Laws
ARC             American Red Cross
ARC             AIDS-Related Complex
ARF             Animal Rights Front
ARHO          Association of Reproductive Health Officials
ARHP           Association of Reproductive Health Professionals
ARL              Americans for Religious Liberty
ARM            Abortion Rights Mobilization
ARMS          Abortion-Related Ministries
ARP             Association for Retarded Persons
ARSC           Abortion Survivors Rescue Committee
ARV             AIDS-related virus
ASA             Association for the Study of Abortion
ASA             American Sociological Association
ASAHP        Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions
ASAP           As soon as possible
ASAT           Anti-satellite weapons
ASC             American Security Council
ASCAP        American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
AsDB           Asian Development Bank
ASEAN        Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ASF              American Suicide Foundation
ASHA          American Social Health Association
ASHG          American Society of Human Genetics
ASHS           Association of Secular Humanist Societies
ASLM          American Society of Law and Medicine
ASM            American Society of Mammologists
ASMA         American Student Medical Association
ASPEN        American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
ASRC          Abortion Survivors Rescue Committee
AT&T           Atlantic Telephone and Telegraph
ATCC          American Type [Cell] Culture Collection
ATL              Association of Trial Lawyers
ATP              Adenosine triphosphate
AU               Angstrom unit
AUL             Americans United for Life
AUSCS        Americans United for Separation of Church and State
AVA             American Victims of Abortion
AVC             American Veterans Committee
AVDA          American Venereal Disease Association
AVDP          Avoirdupois
AVES           Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society
AVS             Association for Voluntary Sterilization
AWMA        American Women's Medical Association
AWOL         Absent without leave
AZT             Azidothymidine
BA                Bachelor of Arts
BACAOR     Bay Area Coalition Against Operation Rescue
BAD             Banque Africaine de Developpement [African Development Bank
BADEA        Banque Arabe de Developpement Economique en Afrique (Arab Bank
                        for Economic Development in Africa (ABEDA))
BATF           Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
BB/BSA       Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America
BBA             Balanced Budget Amendment
BBB             Better Business Bureau
BBC             British Broadcasting Corporation
BBT             Basal body temperature
BCFA          Birth Control Federation of America
BCIE            Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economico (Central American
                       Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE))
BCR             Benefit-cost ratio
BCS             Bethany Christian Services
BD               Bachelor of Divinity
BDEAC       Banque de Developpment des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale (Central
                        African States Development Bank (BDEAC))
BIDS            Birth Defects Information System
BEU             Benelux Economic Union
BGCS          Boyhood Gender Conformity Scale
BID              Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (Inter-American Development Bank
BIP               Basic infertile pattern
BIRTH          Born Individuals Rescuing the Helpless
BIS               Bank for International Settlements
BM               Basal metabolism
BMA            British Medical Association
BOAD          Banque Ouest-Africaine de Developpement (West African Development
                        Bank (WADB))
BOHICA      Bend over here it comes again!
BOM            Billings Ovulation Method
BPOE           Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
BS                Bachelor of Science
BSA             Boy Scouts of America
BSCS           Biological Sciences Curriculum Study
BSEC           Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone
BVM            Blessed Virgin Mother
BWMT         Black and White Men Together
BWS            Better World Society
C                  Commonwealth
C-PLAN      Communist Party Legislative Action Network
C                  [Degrees] Celsius
C-Span         Congressional Coverage Cable Network
CAC            Christian Action Council
CACM         Central American Common Market
CAEU          Council of Arab Economic Unity
CAH            Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
CAHEA       Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation
CALC          Clergy & Laity Concerned
CALM         Custody Action for Lesbian Mothers
CAMPUS    Coalition of American Pro-Life University Students
CAN            Cult Awareness Network
CAP             Children Awaiting Parents
CAP             Committee for American Principles
CAPD          Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CARAL        California Abortion Rights Action League
CARAL        Canadian Abortion Rights Action League
CARD          Committee Against Registration and the Draft
CARE           Co-operative for American Remittances to Everywhere
CARE           Counseling for Abortion-Related Experiences
CARICOM   Caribbean Community and Common Market
CARR           Coalition Against the Radical Right
CASE           Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism
CBA             Christian Booksellers Association
CBC             Congressional Black Caucus
CBC             Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBE             Center for Biomedical Ethics
CBPP           Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
CBS             Columbia Broadcasting System
CBSS           Council of the Baltic Sea States
CBTV          Coalition for Better Television
CCA            Christian Community Association
CCAR          Central Conference of American Rabbis
CCBA          Coalition of Concerned Black Americans
CCC            Customs Cooperation Council
CCCB          Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
CCD             Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
CCEL           Christian Civic Education League
CCF             Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (of Canada)
CCL             Conference for 'Catholic' Lesbians
CCL             Couple to Couple League
CCPA          Catholics for Christian Political Action
CCR             Center for Constitutional Rights
CCR             Citizens for Congressional Reform
CCREF         Conservative Caucus Research and Education Fund
CCS              Clergy Consultation Service
CD                Congressional district
CDA              Catholic Daughters of America
CDB              Caribbean Development Bank
CDC              Centers for Disease Control
CDF              Children's Defense Fund
CDI               Center for Defense Information
CDL              Citizens for Decency Through Law
CDRR           Committee for the Defense of Reproductive Rights
CE                 [International Society of] Christian Endeavor
CE                 Council of Europe
CEAO           Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (West African
                         Economic Community (CEAO))
CED              Committee for Economic Development
CEDPA         Centre for Development and Population Activities
CEEAC         Communaute Economique des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale (Economic
                         Community of Central African States (CEEAC))
CEI                Central European Initiative
CEIP             Carnegie Endowment for National Peace
CEMA           Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA, COMECON)
CEO              Chief executive officer
CEP               Council on Economic Priorities
CEP               Council on Environmental Quality
CEPGL          Communaute Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs (Economic
                         Community of the Great Lakes Countries)
CERES          Center for Research in Education and Sexuality
CERN            Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire (European Organization
                         for Nuclear Research (CERN))
CETA            Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
CFA              Committee for Future America
CFC              Chlorofluourocarbons
CFC              Combined Federal Campaign
CFD              Concern for Dying
CFFC            'Catholics' for a Free Choice
CFR               Code of Federal Regulations
CG                 Contadora Group
CGD              Chronic granulomatous disease
CHA              Catholic Health Association
CHA              Christian Holiness Association
CHAMPUS   Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
CHAMPVA   Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Administration
CHAP            Child Health Assurance Program
CHAUS         Catholic Health Association of the United States
CHCE            Center for Health Care Ethics
CHD              Campaign for Human Development
CHEER          Center for Homosexual Education, Evaluation and Research
CHILD           Christians Helping in Life's Defense
CHOICE        Concern for Health Options, Information, Care and Education
CHSA            Consumer Health Service of America
CIA                Central Intelligence Agency
CICRED        Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in
CID                Criminal Investigation Department ("Scotland Yard")
CIDA             Canadian International Development Agency
CIF                 Conservation International Foundation
CIN                Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
CIOMS          Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
CIS                Center for Inter-American Security
CISPES         Committee in Solidarity With the People of El Salvador
CISS              Chromosomal in-situ suppression hybridization
CIV                Cultures, ideas and values [course]
CJ                  Chief Justice
CJR                Citizens for Judicial Restraint
CLC               Campaign Life Coalition
CLC              Clergy and Laity Concerned
Clear-TV        Christian Leaders for Responsible Television
CLF               Conservation Law Foundation
CLRCR          Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
CLS               Critical Legal Studies
CLS               Christian Legal Society
CLW              Council for a Livable World
CM                Calendar method ("rhythm")
CM                Congregation for the Mission
CM-BBT        Cervical Mucus-Basal Body Temperature
CMA              Catholics for a Moral America
CMAC           Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
CMEA            Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CEMA, COMECON)
CMF              Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation
CMA              Canadian Medical Association
CN-M            Certified nurse-midwife
CNF               Conservation Network Foundation
CNN              Cable News Network
CNS               Central nervous system
CNS               Committee for National Security
CO                 Conscientious objector
CODEL          Coordination in Development
COMECON  Coordinating Committee on Export Controls (CEMA, CMEA)
                         Con-Con Constitutional Convention
CONRAD      Contraceptive Research and Development Program, Eastern Virginia
                          Medical School
CONUS         Continental United States
COPE            Committee on Political Education
COR              Coalition on Revival
CORE            Congress of Racial Equality
COYOTE       Cast Off Your Old Tired Ethics
CP                  Colombo Plan
CP                  Congregation of the Passion
CP                  Communist Party
CPA               Certified public accountant
CPA               Center for Policy Alternatives
CPB               Corporation for Public Broadcasting
CPC               Crisis Pregnancy Center
CPE               Council on Population and Environment
CPF               Committee to Protect the Family
CPFH             Center for Population and Family Health, Columbia University
CPG               Catholic Physicians Guild
CPG               Catholic Pharmaceutical Guild
CPGAF          Committee on Population Growth and the American Family
CPM              Cesarian Prevention Movement
CPS               Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys
CPS               Current Population Surveys
CPUSA          Communist Party of the United States of America
CR                 Calendar rhythm
CRA              Center for Reproductive Alternatives
CRASH          Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health
CRASH          Committee Against Racism, Sexism, and Heterosexism
CREOG          Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology
CRF               Constitutional Rights Foundation
CRLP             Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
CRTI              Center for the Rights of the Terminally Ill
CRW              Council of Religious Women
CS                 Christian Science (practitioner)
CSC               Civil Service Commission
CSC               Congregatio Sanctae Crucis (Congregation of the Holy Cross)
CSCE             Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
CSCPA          Committee for Social Change and Political Action
CSE               Classroom sex education system
CSER             Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion
CSFC             Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress
CSII               Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
CSOW           Commission on the Status of Women
CSP                Center for Security Policy
CSSP             Center for Studies of Suicide Prevention
CSsR             Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris (Congregation of the Most Holy
CT                 Certified teacher
CTFA            Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association
CTS               Catholic Truth Society
CTSA            Catholic Theological Society of America
CTW              Children's Television Network
CU                 Consumer's Union
CUA              Catholic University of America
CUDESH       Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism
CUF               Catholics United for the Faith
CUL               Catholics United for Life
CULT            Catholics United Against Liberation Theology
CURE            Citizens United for Responsible Education
CURE            Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia
CUSA            Cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator
CUT              Church Universal and Triumphant
CVS              Chorionic Villi Sampling
CW                Conventional wisdom
CWA             Concerned Women for America
CWLA           Child Welfare League of America
CWRR           'Catholic' Women for Reproductive Rights
CWU             Church Women United
CYO              Catholic Youth Organization
D.A.               District attorney
D&C              Dilatation and curettage
D&E              Dilatation and evacuation
DACOWITS   Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services
DAD              Dads Against Discrimination
DAP               Dial-a-porn
DAR               Daughters of the American Revolution
DARE             Drug Abuse Resistance Education
DARE            Dykes Against Racism Everywhere
DAV              Disabled American Veterans
DBP               Defense Budget Project
DC                 Developed country
DC                 District of Columbia
DC                 Doctor of Chiropractic
DCL               Doctor of Canon Law
DD                 Doctor of Divinity
DDC              Dewey Decimal Classification
DEIS              Draft environmental impact statement
DES               Diethylstilbestrol
DFA               Development Fund for Africa
DG                 Dei Gratia (by the grace of God)
DHEW           Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
DHHS            Department of Health and Human Services
DHS               Demographic and Health Surveys
DHS               Demographic and Health Surveys
DHT               Dihydrotestosterone
DINK             Double-income, no kids
DLC               Democratic Leadership Council
DM                Deutsche Mark
DMPA           Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera)
DNA              Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNR              Do not resuscitate
DoD               Department of Defense
DOM             Deo optimo maximo (to God, the best and greatest)
DORIS           Defending Our Rights in the Streets
DPA               Durable power of attorney
DRG              Diagnosis-related group
DSI                Development Services International of Canada
DSM              Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
DSOC            Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee
DSP               Daughters of St. Paul
DSS               Delayed Shock Syndrome
DV                 Douay Version
DV                 Deo volente (God willing)
e.g.                 Exempli gratia (for example)
EAB               Ethics advisory board
EADB             East African Development Bank
EAF                Environmental Action Foundation
EBRD             European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EC                  European Community
EC                  Evangelicals Concerned
ECA               Economic Commission for Africa
ECAFE          Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (Economic and Social
                          Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP))
ECE                Economic Commission for Europe
ECG               Electrocardiogram
ECLA             Economic Commission for Latin America (Economic Commission for
                          Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC))
ECLAC          Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
ECMO           Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
ECO               Economic Cooperation Organization
ECOSOC       Economic and Social Council
ECOSOC       [United Nations] Economic and Social Council
ECOWAS      Economic Community of West African States
ECWA           Economic Commission for Western Asia (see Economic and Social
                         Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA))
EDF               Environmental Defense Fund
EDT               Eastern daylight time
EE                  Engaged Encounter
EE2                Ethinyl estradiol
EEC               European Economic Community
EEC               Euthanasia Educational Council
EEG               Electroencephalogram
EEOC            Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EFM              Electronic fetal monitoring
EFTA             European Free Trade Association
EGF               Epidermal growth factor
EI                   Eosinophilic index
EIB                 European Investment Bank
EIB                 Excellence in Broadcasting [Network]
EIFT               Embryo intrafallopian transfer
EIS                 Environmental impact statement
EKG               Electrocardiogram
ELCA             Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ELI                 Environmental Law Institute
ELISA            Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EMILY           Early Money is Like Yeast
EMP               Electromagnetic pulse
ENTA             Norethindrone acetate
EO                 Executive Order
EPA                Environmental Protection Agency
EPC                Environmental Policy Center
EPH                Edema/proteinuria/hypertension
EPK&C          Early prenatal karyotype farenand cell scan
EPS                Early Pregnancy Services
ERC               Ethical Research Committee
ERIS              Exoatmospheric Reentry Intercept System
ESA               European Space Agency
ESCAP          Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESCWA         Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
ESF                Economic support funds
ESMP             Enhanced survival of multifetal pregnancy
EST                 [Werner] Erhardt Sensitivity Training Seminars
EST                Eastern standard time
et seq              Et sequens (and the following one)
ET                  Embryo transfer
ETA               Estimated time of arrival
ETO               Estimated time of ovulation
EWTN           Eternal Word Television Network
F                     [Degrees] Fahrenheit
FA                  Fundamentalists Anonymous
FAA               Federal Aviation Administration
FAA               Foreign Assistance Act
FACE             Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances [Act]
FACES           National Association for the Craniofacially Handicapped
FACOG         Fellow, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
FACP             Fellow of the American College of Physicians
FACS             Flourescence-activated cell sorter
FACS             Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
FAM              Fertility awareness method
FAO               Food and Agricultural Organization (of the United Nations)
FARM            Farm Animal Reform Movement
FAS               Fetal alcohol syndrome
FAS               Federation of American Scientists
FBI                Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCA               Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCAA            Florence Crittenden Association of America
FCC               Freedom of Choice Coalition
FCC               Federal Council of Churches (now the National Council of Churches, or
FCC               Federal Communications Commission
FCF               Free Congress Foundation
FCI                Family Care International, Inc.
FDA               [United States] Food and Drug Administration
FEBS             Federation of European Biochemical Societies
FEC               Federal Elections Commission
FEHB             Federal Employee's Health Benefits
FEMALE       Formerly Employed Mothers at Loose Ends
FEW              Federally Employed Women
FFLA             Feminists for Life of America
FFM              Fund for a Feminist Majority
FFP                Friends of Family Planning
FHA               Federal Housing Administration
FHA               Future Homemakers of America
FHI                Family Health International
FIAMC          International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations
FINRRAGE   Feminist International Network of Resistance to Reproductive and Genetic
FISH              Fluorescent in-situ hybridization
FLE                Family Life Education
FLS                Front Line States
FOA               Field operating activity
FOCA            Freedom of Choice Act
FOE               Friends of the Earth
FOE               Fraternal Order of Eagles
FOI                Freedom of Information [Act]
FOLKS          Friends of Little Kids (pedophile group)
FOR               Fellowship of Reconciliation
FPA               Family planning associates
FPA               Family Protection Act
FPIA              Family Planning International Assistance Program
FPWA            Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies
FRC               Family Research Council
FRCP             Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London
FRCS             Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, London
FRG               Federal Republic of Germany (the former West Germany)
FRI                 Family Research Institute
FSA               Family Service Association
FSA               Free Speech Advocates
FSH               Follicle-stimulating hormone
FSP                Fallopian tube sperm perfusion
FTA-Abs        Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption
FUAA            Fathers United Against Abortion
FUBAR          Fouled up beyond all recognition
FWHC           Feminist Women's Health Center
FY                 Fiscal year
FYI                For your information
FZ                  Franc Zone
G-77              Group of 77
G                   Grand ($1,000)
G7                 Group of Seven
GALA            Gay and Lesbian Alliance
GALA            Gay Atheists League of America
GALAS          Great American Lesbian Art Show
GAMDA        Group Against Media Dishonesty on Abortion
GAO              General Accounting Office
GAP               Gay Awareness Program
GAS               Gay Alliance of Students
GATT             General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GAU              Gay Academic Union
GB                 Gigabyte
GBS               Gay bowel syndrome
GCC              Gulf Cooperation Council
GCC              Gay Community Center
GDABM        Global Defense Against Ballistic Missiles
GDP               Genome Data Base
GDR               German Democratic Republic (the former East Germany)
GEA               Gay Educators Association
GEEP             Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and exogenous estradiol and
GFC               Gay Father's Coalition
GFWC            General Federation of Women's Clubs
GHOST          Grand Homosexual Organization to Stop Televangelists
GI                   Government issue
GI                   Girls Incorporated
GIFT               Gamete intra-fallopian transfer
GLAAD          Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
GLAD             Gay and Lesbian Awareness Day(s)
GLF                Gay Liberation Front
GLSA             Gay Law Students Association
GM-CSF        Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
GMA              Gay Militant Atheists
GMC              General Medical Council
GNP               Gross national product
GnRH              Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
GnRHa            Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist
GnRHa            Gonadotrophin-releasing-hormone analogue
GOA               Government Accounting Office
GOBs             Good old boys
GOMER         Get out of my emergency room (a hopeless trauma case)
GOP               Grand Old Party (Republican)
GORK            God only really knows
GP                  General practitioner
GPA               Grade-point average
GPHW            Gay Public Health Workers
GPO               [United States] Government Printing Office
GRID              Gay-Related Immune Deficiency
GRINCH        Gay Retaliation for Inexcusable Negligence and Criminal Homophobia
GRNC            Gay Rights National Lobby
GSA                Genetics Society of America
GSA                Girl Scouts of America
GSA               General Services Administration
GSA               Gay Students Association
GTA               Gay Theatre Alliance
GTA               Gay Teachers Association
GTC               Global Tomorrow Coalition, Inc.
GTC               Gay Teachers Coalition
GTW              Multiglycosides of Tripterygium wilfordii
GUM              Great unwashed masses
H.B.                House Bill
H.J.R.             House Joint Resolution
HATTS          Hemagglutination treponemal test for syphilis
HC                 House of Commons
HC                 Holy Communion
HCFA            Health Care Financing Administration
HCG              Human chorionic gonadotrophin
HCS               Human chorionic somatomammotropin
HD                 Huntington's disease
HDDA            Humane and Dignified Death Act
HDL               High-density lipoprotein (cholesterol)
HEW              [United States Department of] Health, Education and Welfare
HGP               Human Genome Project
HHH              Hyperornithinaemia, Hyperammonaemia, and Homocitrullinuria Syndrome
HHS               [United States Department of] Health and Human Services
HIRE              Hooking is Respectable Employment
HIT                Herd of independent thinkers [syndrome]
HIV                Human immunodeficiency virus
HIV-Ag          Human immunodeficiency virus antigen
HL                  House of Lords
HLA               Human Life Amendment
HLB               Human Life Bill
HLC               Human Life Center
HLI                Human Life International
HLS               Human Life Statute
HLSC            Human Life Statute Coalition
HM                His or Her Majesty
HMG             Human menopausal gonadotrophin
HMO             Health maintenance organization
HOPE            Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere
HOPING       Helping in Normal Grieving
HOW             Happiness of Womanhood
HQ                 Headquarters
HRH               His or Her Royal Highness
HRT               Hormone replacement therapy
HSA               Health Systems Agencies
HSG               Hysterosalpingogram
HSLDA          Home School Legal Defense Association
HTLV             Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus
HUGO           Human Genome Organization
HV                 Humanae Vitae
HZA               Hemizona assay
IADB              Inter-American Development Bank
IAEA              International Atomic Energy Agency
IAETF            International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force
IASR              International Academy of Sex Research
IAWS             Intercollegiate Association of Women Students
IBEC              International Bank for Economic Cooperation
IBM                International Business Machine
IBRC              Infant Bioethical Review Committee
IBRD              International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ICAM-1         Intercellular adhesion molecule-1
ICAO              International Civil Aviation Organization
ICASC           International Contraception, Abortion, and Sterilization Campaign (5)
ICBM             Intercontinental ballistic missile
ICC                International Chamber of Commerce
ICC                Interstate Commerce Commission
ICCC              International Concerns Committee for Children
ICCR              Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
ICD                 Intracervical device
ICEA              International Childbirth Education Association
ICEM             Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (see International
                          Organization for Migration (IOM))
ICFTU            International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
ICGI               International Conference on Gender Identity
ICJ                  International Court of Justice
ICJ                 International Court of Justice
ICM               Intergovernmental Committee for Migration (International Organization for
                         Migration (IOM))
ICOMP          International Council on Management of Population Programmes
ICRC              International Committee of the Red Cross
ICS                 Institute for Creation Spirituality
ICU                Intensive care unit
IDA                International Development Association
IDB                Islamic Development Bank
IDDS              Institute for Defense & Disarmament Studies
IEA                 International Energy Agency
IEC                 Institutional ethics committee
IEP                 Inhibin-enriched preparation
IERA              Inclusive Equal Rights Amendment (combined Human Life Amendment
                          and Equal Rights Amendment)
IF                   Intellectual Freedom
IFA                 International Fertility Association
IFAD              International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFC                 International Finance Corporation
IFCA              International Federation of Catholic Alumnae
IFFLP             International Federation for Family Life Promotion
IFFS               International Federation of Fertility Societies
IFGR              International Foundation for Genetic Research (The Michael Fund)
IFN                Interferon
IFRP               International Fertility Research Program
IGA                International Gay Association
IGAB             Interagency Group for Action on Breastfeeding
IGADD           Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought and Development
IGF                 Insulin-like growth factor
IHM                [Servants of the] Immaculate Heart of Mary
IHS                 Indian Health Service
IIB                  International Investment Bank
IIE                  Institute of International Education
IIED                International Institute for Environment and Development
iiFAR               Incurably Ill for Animal Research
IISHR             International Institution for the Study of Human Reproduction (5)
ILGWU          International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union
ILO                International Labor Organization
ILO0              International Labor Organization
ILS                 International Life Services
IMAP             [International Planned Parenthood Federation] Medical Advisory Board
IMCO            Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (International
                          Maritime Organization (IMO))
IME                Institute of Medical Ethics
IMF                International Monetary Fund
IMO               International Maritime Organization
IMP               Imprimatur (let it be printed)
IMPACT        Innovative Materials for Population Action
InCAR            International Committee Against Racism
INFACT         Infant Formula Coalition
INMARSAT   International Maritime Satellite Organization
INPLAN        Integrated Population and Development Planning
INRI               Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews)
INS                Immigration and Naturalization Service
INSERM         Institut National de la Sant:e et de la Recherche Medicale
INTELSAT     International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
INTERPOL     International Criminal Police Organization
INTRAH         [Program for] International Training in Health, University of North
IOC                International Olympic Committee
IOM               International Organization for Migration
IOOF              International Order of Odd Fellows
IPA                 International Phonetic Alphabet
IPAS               International Projects Assistance Services
IPPF               International Planned Parenthood Federation
IPS                 Institute for Policy Studies
IR                   International Review (formerly International Review of Natural
                          Family Planning)
IRBM              Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
IRC                 Interchange Resource Network
IRCAR            International Reference Center for Abortion Research
IRD                 Institute for Resource Development, Westinghouse
IRLF               International Right to Life Foundation
IRNFP             International Review of Natural Family Planning (now International
IRS                 Internal Revenue Service
IRTLF             International Right to Life Federation (IRTLF)
ISIS                Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality
ISO                International Organization for Standardization
ISTI                International Science and Technology Institute, Inc.
ITEST             Institute for Theological Encounter With Science and Technology
ITOP               Induced termination of pregnancy
ITU                 International Telecommunication Union
IUB                 Intrauterine occlusion body
IUCD              Intra-uterine contraceptive device
IUD                Intra-uterine device
IUI                  Intra-uterine insemination
IUP                 Intrauterine pregnancy
IUSSP            International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
IV                   Intravenous
IVD                Intravas device
IVF-DS          IVF-donor sperm
IVF-SET        IVF-surrogate embryo transfer
IVF-DO         IVF-donor ova
IVF-DE          IVF-donor embryo
IVF                 In-vitro fertilization
IVH                Intraventricular hemorrhage
IVIG               Intravenous immunoglobulin
IWHC            International Women's Health Coalition
IWO               Institute for World Order
IWW              Industrial Workers of the World
IWY               International Women's Year
IYC                International Year of the Child
IYD                International Year of the Disabled
JACGUAR      Johns and Call Girls United Against Repression
JAMA             Journal of the American Medical Association
JBS                  John Birch Society
JCAH              Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals
JCB                Bachelor of Canon Law
JCHA              Joint Committee of Hospital Associations
JCL                 Licentiate in Canon Law
JD                   Juris Doctor (Doctor of Law)
JDL                 Jewish Defense League
JHPIEGO        Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and
JLC                 Juvenile Law Center
JLIC                Jewish Life Issues Committee
JOICFP           Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning,
JP                    Justice of the Peace
JPSA               Joint Program for the Study of Abortion
JS&A              John Short & Associates, Inc.
JSD                 Doctor of Juristic Science
JSI                   John Snow, Inc.
JW                  Jehovah's Witness
K of P             Knights of Pythias
K of C             Knights of Columbus
kB                   Kilobyte
KI                   Karyopyknotic index
KIA                Killed in action
KISS               Keep it simple, stupid
KJV                King James Version
KKK              Ku Klux Klan
KROW           Keep Rockefeller out of Washington
KS                  Kaposi's Sarcoma
KTF                Keep the Faith (Publishers)
L/GHTS           Lesbian and Gay Humanists
L.A.                 Latin America
LAAL              Life After [sexual] Assault League
LABIA            Lesbians and Bisexuals in Action
LAES              Latin American Economic System
LAIA              Latin American Integration Association
LAPAC           Life Amendment Political Action Committee
LAPD              Los Angeles Police Department
LARFPC         Los Angeles Regional Family Planning Council
LAS                League of Arab States (Arab League (AL))
LAV                Lymphadenopathy Virus
LAW               Legal Action for Women
LC-WS           Lutheran Church-Wisconsin Synod
LC-MS           Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
LC                  Library of Congress
LCD               Lowest common denominator
LCL               League of Catholic Laymen
LD50              Lethal Dose 50%
LDC               Less-developed country
LDL               Low-density lipoprotein (cholesterol)
LDS                Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)
LEAD             League for Economic Assistance and Development
LH                  Luteinizing hormone
LIFE               Life Issues in Formal Education
LII                  Life Issues Institute
LLB                Bachelor of Law
LLD                Doctor of Law
LLDC             Least developed country
LLLI               La Leche League International
LLM               Master of Law
LNG               Levonorgestrel
LNMP            Last normal menstrual period
LOOM           Loyal Order of Moose
LORCS          League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
LRF                Luteinizing releasing factor
LSC                Legal Services Corporation
LSMT             Life-sustaining medical treatment
LTL                 Laparoscopic tubal ligation
LTOT             Low tube ovum transfer
LWV               League of Women Voters
MA                 Master of Arts
MACS            Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study
MAD              Mutual assured destruction
MAIDS          Murine [mouse] Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
MAMA          Mothers Against Minor's Abortions
MAP              More Agricultural Production, Inc.
MAR              Mixed antiglobulin reaction
MB                 Megabyte
MBA              Master of Business Administration
MBS               Mutual Broadcasting System
MC                 Member of Congress
MCAD           Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
MCC              Metropolitan Community Church
MCCL            Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
MCH              [Department of] Maternal and Child Health
MCHR           Medical Committee for Human Rights
MD                Medical doctor
MDA              Muscular dystrophy association
ME                 Menstrual extraction
ME                 Medical examiner
ME                 Marriage Encounter
MEP               Multiple exposure photography
MERCOSUR Mercado Comun del Cono Sur (Southern Cone Common Market)
MeSH            Medical subject headings
MFS               Mobilization for Survival
MG                 Myasthenia Gravis
MHD              Magnetohydrodynamics
MIA               Missing in action
MIC               Maternal and Infant Care
MICU             Medical intensive care unit
MIM               Morality in Media
MINURSO     United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
MIRV             Multiple independently-targeted reentry vehicles
MIT                Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MM                Maryknoll Missioners
MM                Moral Majority
MoD              March of Dimes
MOM             Mothers Organized for Morality
MP                 Member of Parliament
MPA               Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera)
MPA               Master of Public Administration
MPH              Master of Public Health
MPS               Mucopolysaccharidoses
MS                 Master of Science
MS                 Multiple sclerosis
Msgr               Monsignor
MSH              Management Sciences for Health
MSI                Marie Stopes International
MSSVD         Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases
MSW             Master of Social Work
MTCR            Missile Technology Control Regime
MWA             Modern Woodmen of America
MX                Missile, experimental
MYOB           Mind your own business
NAACP         National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAAF            National Association for Abortion Facilities
NAAO           National Association of Artist's Organizations
NAAPC         National Association for the Advancement of Preborn Children
NAB              National Association of Broadcasters
NAC              Network Action Committee
NACAC         North American Council on Adoptable Children
NACC            North Atlantic Cooperation Council
NACHO         North American Conference of Homophile Organizations
NACHRI        National Association of Children's Hospitals and Associated Institutions
NAE               National Association of Evangelicals
NAF               National Abortion Federation
NAGAP          National Association of Gay Alcoholism Professionals
NAJSN          National American Jewish Students Network
NAM              Nonaligned Movement
NAM             New American Movement
NAM             "New age" movement
NAMBLA      North American Man-Boy Love Association
NANN           National Association of Neonatal Nurses
NAOP            National Association for Optional Parenthood
NAPARE       National Association for Perinatal Addiction, Research, and Education
NAPN            National Association of Pro-Life Nurses
NAPSAC       National Association of Parents and Professionals for Safe Alternatives in
NAPWA        National Association of People with AIDS
NARAL          National Abortion Rights Action League [formerly the National
                          Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL), now the
                          National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League
NARHC         National Association of Reproductive Health Centers
NARRAL       National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (formerly the
                          National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and the National
                          Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL))
NARW           National Assembly of Religious Women
NAS               National Audobon Society
NAS               National Association of Scholars
NASSP           National Association of Secondary School Principals
NASW           National Association of Social Workers
NATO            North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAWL           National Association of Women Lawyers
NAZI              Nationalen Socialisten (National Socialist Workers Party, or Nazis) (9)
NBAU            No business as usual (Communist slogan)
NBC               National Broadcasting Company
NBFO            National Black Feminists Organization
NBPTS           National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
NBWHP         National Black Women's Health Project
NC                 Nordic Council
NCA              National Committee for Adoption
NCA              National Chastity Association
NCAC           National Coalition Against Censorship
NCADP         National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
NCADV         National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
NCAN           National Coalition of American Nuns
NCAP            National Community AIDS Partnership
NCC              National Council of Churches
NCC              National Catholic Coalition
NCCB            National Council of Catholic Bishops
NCCC            National Coalition of Clergy and Laity
NCCC           National Council of Catholic Charities
NCCJ            National Conference of Christians and Jews
NCCL            National Committee of Catholic Laymen
NCCW          National Council of Catholic Women
NCCY           National Committee for Children and Youth
NCDC           National Catholic Development Conference
NCE               New Catholic Edition
NCEA            National Catholic Education Association
NCFA            National Committee for Adoption
NCFPI           National Clearinghouse for Family Planning Information
NCFR            National Council on Family Relations
NCGLC         National Coalition of Gay and Lesbian Counselors
NCGO           National Coalition of Gay Organizations
NCGSTDS     National Coalition of Gay Sexually-Transmitted Disease Services
NCHA           National Council on Higher Education
NCHLA         National Committee for a Human Life Amendment
NCHS            National Center for Health Statistics
NCI                National Cancer Institute
NCJW            National Council of Jewish Women
NCLR            National Center for Lesbian Rights
NCNW          National Council of Negro Women
NCOG           National Council of Obstetrics and Gynecology
NCPAC         National Conservative Political Action Committee
NCSW           National Conference on Social Welfare
NCTE            National Council of Teachers of English
NCWUS        National Council of Women of the United States
NDA              New drug application (for the Food and Drug Administration)
NDA              Natural Death Act
NEA               Nuclear Energy Agency
NEA               National Endowment for the Arts
NEA               National Education Association
NEC               National Ecumenical Coalition
NECLU          National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
NEET             Nafarelin European Endometriosis Trial Group
NEH               National Endowment for the Humanities
NEJM             New England Journal of Medicine
NEN               Norethindrone acetate
NEP               New Economic Policy
NERPRC       New England Regional Primate Research Center
NET               Norethindrone
NET-EN         Norethisterone enanthate
NEW              Network of Empowered Women
NFD               National Federation for Decency (now the American Family Association)
NFL               National Football League
NFL               National Federation for Life
NFP               Natural family planning
NFPC            National Federation of Priests' Councils (dissident group)
NFPFA          Natural Family Planning Federation of America
NFPRHA       National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association
NFS               National Fertility Study
NGF              National Genetics Foundation
NGHC           National Gay Health Coalition
NGHEF         National Gay Health Education Foundation, Inc.
NGLTF          National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
NGO              Non-governmental organization
NGU              Non-gonococcal urethritis
NHANES       National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
NHI                National Health Insurance (Britain)
NHLA            National Hispanic Lawyers Association
NHO              National Hospice Organization
NHS               National Health Service
NIAAA          National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
NIB                Nordic Investment Bank
NIC                Newly industrializing country
NICA             National Interfaith Coalition on Aging
NICHD          National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
NICM            National Institute for Campus Ministries
NICU             Neonatal intensive care unit
NIDA             National Institute on Drug Abuse
NIE                Newly industrializing economy
NIE                National Institute for Education
NIEO             New International Economic Order
NIH                National Institute of Health
NIMBY         Not in my back yard
NIMH            National Institute of Mental Health
NINA             No Irish need apply
NIRS              Nuclear Information Resource Service
NLF               National Liberation Front
NLFO            National Lesbian Feminist Organization
NLG               National Lawyer's Guild
NLSY            National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
NMA             National Medical Association
NMR              Nuclear magnetic resonance [spectroscopy]
NN                 Nicaraguan Network
NOAPP          National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting
NOEL            National Organization of Episcopalians for Life
NOLGS         National Organization of Lesbian and Gay Scientists
NOLSW        National Organization of Legal Social Workers
NON             National Organization of Non-Parents
NOPARH      National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing
NOPE            National Optimum Population Effort
NORC           National Opinion Research Center
NORCL         National Organization for the Repeal of Cocaine Laws
NORD           National Organization for Rare Disorders
NORML        National Organization for the Repeal of Marijuana Laws
NPC              National People's Congress
NPFC            National Pro-Family Coalition
NPG              Negative Population Growth
NPLD            National Pro-Life Democrats
NPR              National Public Radio
NRC              National Research Council
NRCA           Natural Resources Council of America
NRDA           Natural Resources Defense Association
NRDC           National Resource Defense Council
NRFF            National Research Foundation for Fertility
NRHP            National Reproductive Health Project
NRHRC         National Rehabilitation Hospital Research Center
NRL-PAC     National Right to Life Political Action Committee
NRLC            National Right to Life Committee
NSC              National Security Council
NSCE            National Center for Science Education
NSF               National Science Foundation
NSFG            National Survey of Family Growth
NSG              Nuclear Suppliers Group
NSGC           National Society of Genetic Counselors
NSM             National Survey of Men
NSNA           National Student Nurses Association
NSTA            National Science Teachers Association
NSW             New South Wales
NT                 New Testament
NTD              Neural tube defect
NTL               National Teens for Life
NUL              National Urban League
NWA             Niggers With Attitude (rap group)
NWCL          National Women's Coalition for Life
NWF             National Wildlife Federation
NWHN          National Women's Health Network
NWLC          National Women's Law Center
NWM            New Ways Ministry
NWPC          National Women's Political Caucus
NWRA          National Welfare Rights Association
NWSC          National Women's Studies Conference
NYA              National Youth Administration
OAPEC         Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
OAPP            Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs [United States Department of
                         Health and Human Services]
OAS              Organization of American States
OAS              Organization of American States
OAU              Organization of African Unity
OC                 Order of Cistercians
OC                Oral contraceptive
OCA              Orthodox Church of America
OCarm           Order of Carmelites
OCart             Order of Carthusians
OCC              Order of Calced Carmelites
OCD              Order of Discalced Carmelites
OCI               Ovum capture inhibitor
OCSO            Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance
ODC              Order of Discalced Carmelites
OEA              Office of Environmental Affairs
OECD            Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECD            Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECS            Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
OEEC            Organization for European Economic Cooperation
OEO              Office of Economic Opportunity
OERI             Office of Educational Research and Improvement
OES              Order of the Eastern Star
OFM             Order of Friars Minor
OGC              Office of General Council
OI                  Osteogenesis imperfecta
OIC               Organization of the Islamic Conference
OM                Ovulation method
OMB             Office of Management and Budget
OMI              Oblates of Mary Immaculate
ONUSAL      United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador
oob                 off our backs [Magazine]
Op cit             Opere citato (in the work cited)
OP                 Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
OP                 Optimum Population, Inc.
OPA              Organ Procurement Agency
OPANAL      Organismo para la Proscripcion de las Armas Nucleares en la
                         America Latina y el Caribe (Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear
                         Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean)
OPEC            Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEC            Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEN            Organization to Promote Equality Now
OPM              Office of Personnel Management
OPR               Office of Population Research, Princeton University
OR                 Operation Rescue
OSA              Order of St. Augustine
OSB               Order of St. Benedict (Benedictines)
OSF               Order of St. Francis
OSHA            Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSM              Order of the Servants of Mary
OSU               Order of St. Ursula
OSV               Our Sunday Visitor [Magazine]
OT                 Old Testament
OT                 Ovum transfer
OT                 Occupational therapy
OTA              Office of Technology Assessment
OTC              Over the counter
OTGH            Old-Time Gospel Hour
OURS            Organization for United Response
P-FLAG         Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
P.C.                Politically correct
P.R.                Public relations
P-IUD            Progestagen-releasing intrauterine devices
PA                  Power of attorney
PA                 Physicians assistant
PA                 Public address
PA                  Prothonotary apostolic
PA                  Parents Anonymous
PAA               Population Association [or Assistance] of America
PAC               Political action committee
PAC               Population Action Council
PACE             Post-Abortion Counseling and Education
PAF                Platelet-activating factor
PAHO            Pan American Health Organization
PAPOC          Parents Alliance to Protect Our Children
PAPP-A         Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A
PAS                Post-abortion syndrome
PATH             Post-Abortion Trauma Healing
PATH             Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
PAU               Pan American Union
PAW              People for the American Way
PBS                Public Broadcasting System
PC                  Personal computer
PC                  Population Communication
PCA               Permanent Court of Arbitration
PCA               Presbyterian Church in America
PCC               Population Crisis [or Control] Committee
PCI                 Pax Christi International
PCI                 Population Communications International
PCO               Polycystic ovary syndrome
PCS                Population Communication Services, Johns Hopkins University
PCUC            People Concerned for the Unborn Child (Pennsylvania)
PCUSA          Presbyterian Church of the USA
PD                  Peak day
PDA               Population Development Association
PDA               Pregnancy Disability Act
PDQ               Pretty damn quick
PDR               Physicians Desk Reference
PDW              People's Daily World Magazine
PEACE           People Expressing a Concern for Everyone
PECAM         Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule
PEI                 Prince Edward Island
PEN               [International Association of] Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and
PEP                Promoting Enduring Peace
PETA             People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PFL                Prayer and Fasting League
PG                  Prostaglandin
Ph.D.              Philosophiae doctor (Doctor of Philosophy)
PHA               Public Housing Administration
PHS                [United States] Public Health Service
PHWFL         Public Health Workers for Life
PI                   Pearl Index
PI                   Population Institute
PI                   Private investigator ("private eye")
PID                Pelvic inflammatory disease
PIE                 Paedophiliac International Exchange
PIH                Pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone
PIP                 Population Information Program, Johns Hopkins University
PIRG              Public Interest Research Group
PK                 Psychokinesis
PKU              Phenylketonuria
PLAL             Pro-Life Action Network
PLAL             Pro-Life Action League
PLAN            Plan Loving Adoption Now
PLAN            Protect Life in All Nations
PLEA             Pro-Life Educational Association
PLO               Palestinian Liberation Organization
PMS              Pre-menstrual syndrome
PNAP            Prolife Nonviolent Action Project
PND              Prenatal diagnosis
PO                 Post office
POC              'Products of conception'
POC               Prisoners of conscience
POM              Public opinion message
POPTECH     Population Technical Assistance Project
POSSLQ       Person of the opposite sex sharing living quarters
POV               Point of View [television program]
PP/WP           Planned Parenthood/World Population
PP                  Planned Parenthood
PP5                Placental protein 5
PPAF             Planned Parenthood Action Fund
PPD               Purified protein derivative
PPD               Post-partum depression
PPFA             Planned Parenthood Federation of America
PPFC             Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada
PPIH              Population Planning and International Health
PPL                Presbyterians Pro-Life
PPNG            Penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhea
PPP                Planned Parenthood Physicians
PPPPPPP       Proper prior planning prevents putrid poor performance
PRB               Population Reference Bureau
PRC               People's Republic of China
PRC               Population Resource Center
PRL               Prolactin
PRM              Physicians for Moral Responsibility
PRO               Public relations officer
PRO               Population Renewal Office
PRO               Parents' Rights Organization
ProPAC         Progressive Political Action Committee
PROST          Pronuclear stage tubal transfer
PS                  Pro-Lifers for Survival
PS                  Postscriptum
PSA               Public service announcement
PSHA            Public Service Health Act
PSI                 Population Services International
PSI                 Population Services Institute
PSR               Physicians for Social Responsibility
PSS               Peace Science Society
PST                Pacific Standard Time
PSYOPS        Psychological operations
PTA               Parent-Teacher Association
PTSD             Post-traumatic stress disorder
PUSH            People United to Save Humanity
PVS               Persistent vegetative state
PWA              Person (people) with AIDS
QALY           Quality adjusted life years
QED              Quod erat demonstrandum (proof of question)
QFB               Queers fight back
QN                Queer Nation
QOL              Quality of life
QUEST          Queers Undertaking Exquisite and Symbolic Transformation
R                    [Degrees] Rankin
R&D              Research and development
R2N2             Reproductive Rights National Network
RAPID           Resources for the Awareness of Population Impacts on Development
RATS             Radical [AIDS] Activist Truth Squad
RC                 Roman Catholic
RCA              Reformed Church of America
RCAR           'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights
RCP               Revolutionary Communist Party [of the U.S.]
RCP               Royal College of Physicians (England)
RCS               Royal College of Surgeons
RD                 Rural delivery
RFC               Religious Formation Conference
RFD               Rural free delivery
RFRA            Religious Freedom Restoration Act
RG                 Rio Group
RGC              Repository for Germinal Choice
RH                 Rhesus [positive or negative]
RHLA            Respect Human Life Act
RICO             Racketeering-Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act
RIP                Requiescat in pace (rest in peace)
RM                Reichsmark (currency used in Nazi Germany)
RN                 Registered nurse
RNA              Ribonucleic acid
RNC              Republican National Committee
ROC              Republic of China (Taiwan)
ROK              Republic of Korea (South Korea)
ROTC            Reserve Officers Training Corps
RRC              Reproductive Rights Coalition
RRN              Reproductive Rights Network
RSV               Revised standard version
RTI                Research Triangle Institute
RTL               Right to Life
RU                 Roussel-Uclaf
RVN              Republic of Viet Nam
RW                Revolutionary Worker Magazine
RW                Renaissance Women
S-T                 Sympto-thermal (method)
S&M              Sado-masochism
SA                  Sexaholics Anonymous
SA                  Salvation Army
SA                  Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)
SAA               Sexual Addicts Anonymous
SAA               Society for Applied Anthropology
SAARC          South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SAC               State Advisory Committee
SACU             Southern African Customs Union
SADC             Southern African Development Community
SAIDS            Simian (monkey) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
SALT             Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
SAM              Society for Adolescent Medicine
SAMA           Student American Medical Association
SAR               Sexual attitude restructuring
SART             Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies
SAS               Sisters Against Sexism
SAT               Scholastic Aptitude Test
SB                  Senate Bill
SBC               School-based clinic
SC                  Sisters of Charity
SCAW           Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
ScD                Doctor of Science
SCI-COP      Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (4)
SCLC            Southern Christian Leadership Conference
SCUM           Society for Cutting Up Men
SD                  Standard deviation
SD                  Senile dementia
SD           Strategic Defense Development and Deployment
SDAT             Senile Dementia, Alzheimer's Type
SDC               Social Development Center
SDI                Strategic Defense Initiative
SDS               Students for a Democratic Society
SEAL             Sea, Air, Land (Navy)
SELA             Sistema Economico Latinoamericana (Latin American Economic
                          System (LAES))
SEM               Scanning electron microscope
SFRY             Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
SG                  Surgeon General
SIDS              Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
SIECUS         Sex Information and Education Council of the United States
SIFT              Sperm Intrafallopian Transfer
SIG                Special Interest Group
SIGMA          Sisters in Gay Ministry Associated
SIM                Simian Immunodeficiency Virus
SJ                   Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
SJD                Doctor of Juridical Science
SJR                 Senate Joint Resolution
SKAT             Sex Knowledge and Attitude Test
SLAA             Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
SLAPP           Strategic lawsuit against public participation
SLBM            Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles
SM                 Society of Mary
SMP               Social Marketing Project
SMSA            Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
SNAFU          Situation normal (all fouled up)
SNCC            Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
SOMARC      Social Marketing for Change
SOR               Shield of Roses
SOS               Secular Organization for Sobriety Societies
SP1                Pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoprotein
SPA-TP         Staphylococcal protein A-IgG
SPARTECA  South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement
SPC               South Pacific Commission
SPCA             Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPHA            Solid-phase hemadsorption assay
SPI                 Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
SPR                Society for Psychical Research
SPUC             Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child
SQUASH       Super Queers United Against Savage Heterosexuals
SRA                Science Research Associates
SRA               State's Rights Amendment
SRD               Society for the Right to Die
SRP                Short rib-polydactyly syndrome
SS                  Schutzstaffel (elite Nazi Unit)
SS                  Saints
SSA               Social Security Administration
SSA               Social Security Act
SSSS              Society for the Scientific Study of Sex
START           Strategic arms reduction treaty
STB                Sacrae theologiae baccalaureus (Bachelor of Sacred Theology)
STD                Sexually-transmitted disease
STD                Sacrae theologiae doctor (Doctor of Sacred Theology)
STL                Sacrae theologiae licentiatae (Licentiate of Sacred Theology)
STM               Sacrae theologiae masterieus (Master of Sacred Theology)
STM               Sympto-thermal method
STOP             Save the Oppressed People
STOPP           Stop Planned Parenthood
STP                Standard temperature and pressure
SUZI              Sub-zonal insemination
SV                  Soror Vitae (Sisters of Life)
SWAT            Special Weapons and Tactics
SWS               Sociologists for Women in Society
SYL                Spartacus Youth League
T.O.P.            [Dominican] Third Order of Penance
TA                  Transabdominal
TALL              Teen American Life League
TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TARAL           Texas Abortion Rights Action League
TARS              Thrombocytopenia with absent radii syndrome
TAT                Tray agglutination test
TBA                To be aborted
TBA                To be announced
TC                  Transcervical
TEF                The Environmental Fund
TEGWAR       The exciting game without any rules
TFR                Total fertility rate
TFRI              Transnational Family Research Institute
ThD                Doctor of Theology
TIET               Transvaginal intratubal embryo transfer
TIPPS             Technical Information Population for the Private Sector
TLB                The Living Bank
TLC               Tender loving care
TLC               Teen Line Connection
TLN               The Lavender Network Magazine
TM                 Transcendental meditation
TOT               Tubal ovum transfer (or tubo-ovarian transplantation)
TOTS             Tubal ovum transfer of sperm
TP                  Treponema pallidum
TRO               Temporary restraining order
TRUTH          Teens Rescuing Unborn Tiny Humans
TVC               Traditional Values Coalition
UAE               United Arab Emirates
UAW             United Auto, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implements Workers of America
UCC              United Church of Christ
UCLA            University of California at Los Angeles
UCS               Union of Concerned Scientists
UDDA            Uniform Determination of Death Act
UDEAC         Union Douaniere et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale (Central
                         African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC))
UER               User effectiveness rate
UFL               University Faculty for Life
UFMCC        Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
UMC             United Methodist Church
UN                United Nations
UNAVEM     United Nations Angola Verification Mission
UNCTAD      United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDIESA      United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs
UNDOF         United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
UNDP            United Nations Development Program
UNDP            United Nations Development Program
UNEP            United Nations Environment Program
UNESCO      United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
UNFAO         United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization
UNFICYP      United Nations Force in Cyprus
UNFPA          United Nations Fund for Population Activities
UNHCR         United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF        United Nations Children's Emergency Fund
UNIFEM       United Nations Development Fund for Women
UNIFIL         United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
UNIKOM      United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission
UNMOGIP    United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
UNOMOZ     United Nations Operation in Mozambique
UNOS           United Network for Organ Sharing
UNOSOM     United Nations Operation in Somalia
UNPROFOR United Nations ProtectionForce
UNRWA        United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the
                          Near East
UNTAC         United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
UNTSO         United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
UPA               Unwed Parents Anonymous
UPC               United Pro-Life Council
UPI                United Press International
UPS               Uterine progesterone system
UPU              Universal Postal Union
UPUSA         United Presbyterians USA
URC              University Research Corporation
USAF            United States Air Force
USAID          United States Agency for International Development
USCC            United States Catholic Conference
USCL            United States Coalition for Life
USCRC         United States Civil Rights Commission
USCSC         United States Civil Service Commission
USGPO         United States Government Printing Office
USIA             United States Information Agency
USMC           United States Marine Corps
USPS             United States Postal Service
USSR/EE       USSR/Eastern Europe
USSR            Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
UTI                Urinary tract infection
UUA              Unitarian Universalist Association
UWA             United Way of America
VA                 Veterans Administration
VBAC            Vaginal birth after Cesarian [section]
VD                 Venereal disease
VFC               Voters for Choice
VFW              Veterans of Foreign Wars
VHEMT         Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
VIP                Voter identification project
VIP                Voluntary interruption of pregnancy
VITI               Vaginal intratubal insemination
VOA              Voice of America
VOC              Victims of Choice
VOGUE         Valiant Out Gays United in Energy
VP                  Vice President
VSC               Voluntary surgical contraception
VVF               Vesico-vaginal fistula
WAA             Women's Action Alliance
WADB          West African Development Bank
WAP              Whale Adoption Project
WAP              Women Against Pornography
WARN           Women of All Red Nations
WASP            We Are Sexual Perverts (trash rock group)
WASP            We are Satan's people (graffiti)
WATS            Wide Area Telephone System
WEU              Western European Union
WFAVS         World Federation of Associations for Voluntary Sterilization
WFC              World Food Council
WFF               Women for Faith and Family
WFP               World Food Program
WFP               Witness for Peace
WFS               World Fertility Survey
WFTU            World Federation of Trade Unions
WHAM          Women's Health Action Mobilization
WHCA           White House Conference on Aging
WHCCY        White House Conference on Children and Youth
WHCF           White House Conference on Families
WHCH           White House Conference on Hunger
WHO             World Health Organization
WHO             World Health Organization
WIC               Women's International Conference
WIC               Women, Infants and Children Program
WICCA         Women in Constant Creative Action
WILPF           Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
WIPO             World Intellectual Property Organization
WISC             Washington Interreligious Staff Council
WITCH          Witches' International Conspiracy from Hell (among many others)
WLDF            Women's Legal Defense Fund
WLF               Washington Legal Foundation
WLNC           Women's Leadership Network Conference
WMA             World Medical Association
WMA             Women's Medical Association
WMO             World Meteorological Organization
WNAAC        Women's National Abortion Action Coalition
WNDC           Women's National Democratic Club
WOC              Women's Ordination Conference
WOMB          Women Opposed to Massacre and Brutality
WOOMB       World Organization of the Ovulation Method Billings
WP                 Warsaw Pact
WPC              World Population Council
WPS               World Population Society
WRA              Women of reproductive age
WRAP            White Ribbon Campaign Against Pornography
WRI               World Resources Institute
WSP               Women Strike for Peace
WTO              World Tourism Organization
WVSC            Water vacuum suction curettage
WWF             World Wildlife Fund
WWI              Worldwatch Institute
Xn                  Christian
YAF               Young Americans for Freedom
YAF               Young America Foundation
YCL               Young Communist League
YMCA           Young Men's Christian Association
YWCA           Young Women's 'Christian' Association
ZACE             Zoapatle aqueous crude extract
ZC                  Zangger Committee
ZDV               Zidovudine
ZIFT               Zygote intra-fallopian transfer
ZOG               Zionist Occupation Government
ZPG                Zero Population Growth

Key Word  : Abbrieviation

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